So the parking break turns off?

On Tuesday, we decided to get a rental car to take our stuff to the airport. We live about 7 miles from the Mall of America and the airport, so it is closer than another rental car place. We have used UBER often in the past, but since we have 6 suitcases packed, figured it would be easier to just load it all into a rental car and drop it at the airport.

Chris brought the car home, and I decided that I would take Hudson to an appointment with the rental car to see how the booster seat fits (we want to just take a booster without the back to Korea as Hudson is super tall). Anyhow, we get in and head off to the appointment. Hudson is saying how cool the car is. Is it a BMW? An Audi? A convertible hummer? Nope, it's a swagger wagon, a grand caravan mini-van. Off to the appointment we go. 

I notice that when we stop the brakes are super sensitive, but don't think anything of it. We park at the appointment, and!!!!! I hurriedly get Hudson out of the car, and call Chris asking him to come right away because the car is smoking! He says he is on his way, and I start to think. I open the door to the car which still has the stench of burning car parts, and decide to push the parking break in. (See where this is going?) Needless to say, I had driven from Burnsville to Bloomington with the parking break half engaged. Car smoke mystery solved, and feeling like a total idiot, I switch cars with Chris when he shows up, laughing about the fact that it happened, but realizing my brain is a bit frazzled at the moment trying to get everything ready. Good thing I have NO plans on driving in Seoul!

 Speaking of driving in Seoul, Chris got an international driving license. It was literally filling out a form and they sent it in the mail. So crazy. I declined his offer to get one for me as well - from what I understand driving is CRAZY there. We will have a rental car in Seoul, and Chris will drive about 30 minutes to work each way. There is also another 3M place about a half mile from our hotel he will work at also, and lots of customer visits. I am excited to take the car to different places in Korea on the weekends to get away from the big city!


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