Hangang River Park

We continued our park exploration this week, and made it to the end of the loop for Yeouido Park. However, we still haven't found the playground. And at the end of the loop, where I thought the river would be, was a busy street!

So we crossed the street, and saw a big group of stairs that led down to a cement area that you could tell was usually a splash pool. No water in it though, so we kept walking! We talked down the stairs and finally found a little cement river that Hudson enjoyed playing in. People would walk by and smile and say hello, and a little girl, maybe 2 or 3 came and played with him for a bit. It was sweet and a great way to cool off!

why you have no water, pool?

so you can't swim here?

Ooh! We found a little creek!

This park runs for about 6 miles along the Han River


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