food. Korean food.

The first Thursday we were in Korea, Chris' colleagues invited us for dinner at a Korean BBQ place called Monkey's Grill. We arrived to outdoor tables set up with tabletop grills, and around 30 of the people Chris works with. Not only was this a welcome dinner for our family, but also a goodbye dinner for a Minnesota 3Mer who had been in Korea for a month, who was heading home the very next day.

Korean BBQ is fantastic. It starts with kimchee, as all meals do - but also with small little side salads. Next came grilling our food - pork belly. Lots and lots of meat. It reminded me of eating at my cousin Jon's restaurant in Livingston and having amazing pork belly :) We grilled onions and veggies, rice cakes, and then a second round of pork (not belly this time, hehe).

The people Chris works with were so welcoming. I can understand why his transition to living in Korea is very different than the transition for Hudson and I. 3M is a global country, and his colleagues speak amazing English, many have been to Minnesota, and it felt very much like a 3M dinner back in Minnesota. For Hudson and I, however, our daily experience doesn't include conversations in English, so that transition has been a bit more jarring! I am so glad we got to experience this, and meet with the people he works with, many of whom have kids Hudson's age. It was a three hour dinner which Hudson rallied through, but such a great night!


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