Twelve Minutes...

is the amount of time Hudson slept on the plane from Seattle to Incheon, South Korea. Luckily Chris was able to get some sleep, but Hudson was not having it. He was an awesome traveler, minus the whole sleep part. He watched the Descendants, played tic tac toe, did some reading and drawing, learned a little chess on the seatback tv, and enjoyed some rare treats like ginger ale and sprite!

This was by far my longest flight also, and I honestly can't imagine anyone enjoying that kind of trip...or how Chris does it multiple times a year. By hour 3 or so I was so sick of sitting in that seat. Chris had told us that it would be cold on the plane, but for some reason it wasn't at all. I spent a lot of time counting down the hours on the flight tracker.  On the way to Seattle, I loved seeing the mountains out the window over Great Falls, Montana and Missoula Montana. On the longer flight to Asia, however, the windows are closed for the majority of the trip. While I had internet for some of the trip, it went out over Russia for quite a few hours. It started to set in that we were not in Minnesota anymore, especially as the plane made a very deliberate curve around North Korea in order to not fly over the country.

We landed in Incheon, and customs was an absolute breeze. A driver picked us up and loaded all the suitcases into a van, and off we went for the hour long trip to our hotel!

So excited to see his name. Thanks Hudson News!

the carts made the haul much easier. I wish I had gotten a picture of Chris carrying four suitcases by himself!

pretty sure he is giving me the side eye

and a smirk

visited the sky priority lounge with daddy. fancy.


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